So often I have wondered will I always have to change wet sheets every morning? Will I always have to help with 2 hours of homework every night? Will I always have to clean up dog pee and poo off my floor? Will I always have ugly green countertops in my kitchen and bathrooms? Will I always work at a preschool? Will I always just be a "good Christian"? Will I ever get to fulfill my calling and do missions? Do you ever wonder things like that?
A couple of years ago, I was wondering will I ever get him potty trained? Will I always be a stay at home mom? Will I ever find a church home? Will I ever be used of God? In a year, I will be wondering will I always have to help with 4 hours of homework? Will I always have to pull out loose teeth? Will I always be learning new truths about God?
The answer is yes to some and no to others.
My point is there is a season for everything. When one season ends another will start. I hope to strive everyday to be a mother, a wife, and a child of God with joy in the season I am in. It is hard work being those things! Through this blog I hope to inspire you, pray for you, and put a smile on your face.
Welcome to Seasons of Life.....I hope you come back!
Every season with you is a joy!!!
Will you be my valentine forever?
I love You.
Oh yea you left out the part where you have to clean up after your husband constantly :)
Okay folks....my husband left the comment above. He didn't know he had to create his own blogger account.
I love you, too, hubby! Can you go ahead and change the season where I have to clean up after you? Thanks! :)
Amber, WELCOME to blog world!!! I am so glad you started a blog. I can't wait to read your posts. I enjoyed what you said in your very first post! I esp. was encouraged by how you said that you strive everyday to have joy in the season God has you in right now. Love you girl!
I assume Greg is potty trained now?
Jason- That was one of the criterias needing to be met before I married him. He just did make it! :)
Hi! I found you blog on the Rigg's family blog. I am anxious to read more from you :-)
Feel free to hop over to my blog and check out my 100th post giveaway.
What is it you say
Love your post! I understand the "will I's". I love that picture and look forward to more blogging from ya! Happy belated V-day! :) Oh... I found ya through Confessions of a Student Nurse's blog. :)
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