Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Is this what it is suppose to look like? I really don't know. It's not very pretty or fancy,but I am just looking for a natural way to fertilize my garden and not the county trash pile!
My sweet daddy made the posts for me and gave me the plastic green fence to make it. He even drilled little holes in the posts for me to tie the fence to. He is a good daddy! Next, I loosened the dirt and now I just throw all my veggie and fruit scraps on it. Other decomposing things such as dying plants and leaves will do great in it also. Absolutely no meat and artificial foods, please! I turn the soil twice or more a week. My kids really like to do it, too. They ask if they can go rake the "soup". Cute.
Now this is not sitting in the middle of my yard, although it wouldn't be much of an eye sore as some things in my yard. :) I put it behind my shed out of seeing eyes passing by my house. My neighbors behind me, of course, get to gaze upon this beauty all the time! Lucky them! I should go knock on there doors and ask for them to save their scraps for my natural living! HAHA! Do you think they would do it?
So here is the start of my natural gardening. I think I'll like this way better than using manure. I just hope it gives me the results that I am looking for....of course, I mean, perfect veggies! Now...if I could only figure out a natural way to keep the bugs from eating them! I would have an organic garden! Have any ideas?

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