Mr. Clean "Magic Eraser"...... sigh. It is my new best friend. Have you ever used one? Well, it is just grand I tell ya! Sure, it is good for getting marks off cabinets and walls, but have you ever used it for your tub or shower? Well, let me be the first to tell you (that is if you never have used it for that), it will clean your shower better than a monkey can pick the fleas off its baby! Just spray your cleaner on you shower and wet the eraser and wipe. Notice I didn't say scrub! That is right....the eraser does the elbow work for you! Since, discovering this little beauty's ability, I try to tell everyone I know. Why not make your life easier, too?
Do you have a neat cleaning secret that someone could benefit from?
I tried this on my bathtub after you recommended it and I must give it my endorsement as well. It was the easiest cleaning of my tub EVER!
OK I know I just commented but I do have a "cleaning suggestion". You can use Super Washing (not baking) Soda on your tub instead of a "chemical cleaner". You just sprinkle the Soda on your tub and add a little water to make a paste Then leave it for a few minutes and when you come back with the magic eraser it works just as well if not better than any chemical cleaner I have ever used (and it is safe for those little bottoms!)
Howdy, Amber! It's Kay! I linked here from Beth's blog. I also love that little Magic Eraser but don't use it on colored walls--bad idea says the woman with the house of many colors. And Beth-thanks for the Super Washing Soda tip; even preggie ladies can use that stuff:)
Just found a post about some health and safety thought if you've got kids or pets. The magic eraser is awesome - but it's also good to look out for your health too!
Good luck!
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